Microsoft R Client provides a free taste of R Server

If you’ve been hungering to make use of the advanced number-crunching technology in Microsoft’s R Server product, but feared its pricetag, Microsoft itself has a partial answer: Microsoft R Client.

Free, but not open source, R Client is built with much of the same code as R Server. It even includes many of the same features, such as the “ScaleR” technology that allows R programs to benefit from multicore architectures, although they’re only available here in a limited form.

Put another way, Microsoft R Client is to R Server as SQL Server Express is to SQL Server Enterprise. Users can get a taste of what’s possible in the full-blown product without shelling out a ton of cash, even if it’s no substitute for the original.

R Client leverages Microsoft R Open, which was known as Revolution Analytics before Microsoft acquired it. R Open lets users do most everything they could in an R environment, such as using the plethora of open source R packages out there, plus any ScaleR extension-based packages.