DigitalOcean Launches Block Storage in Response to Developer Demand

DigitalOcean launched a storage service to its portfolio on Wednesday to add flexibility for developers building and scaling large applications. The new Block Storage service allows developers to add highly available SSD disk space to “Droplet” compute environments and scale it independently, DigitalOcean said in the announcement.

Block Storage will cost $0.10/GB per month on a provisioned capacity basis, and will store replicated data on different racks to prevent data loss. Volumes from 1GB to 16TB can be stored, moved to and from Droplets over isolated networks, and encrypted at rest.

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“We set out on a mission to build a simple and robust cloud computing platform so that engineering teams can spend less time configuring and automating their infrastructure and more time focused on software development,” Ben Uretsky, co-founder and CEO, DigitalOcean said. “By adding a highly performant Block Storage offering to our platform, developers can easily deploy and manage their SaaS applications and businesses as they scale. This is one step closer to building the next generation platform.”

The launch is a response to customer requests for a storage solution from the company, and was tested by more than 15,000 beta users. It is available now in DigitalOcean’s NYC1 and SFO2 regions, and will launch in Europe “in the coming weeks.”

DigitalOcean says it is up to 700,000 registered customers with 18 million Droplets, having experienced continued growth since the company was declared the second largest cloud computing platform by customer facing websites and apps a year ago by Netcraft.

Summer 2016 has been packed with DigitalOcean announcements, including the opening of a data center in Bangalore, India, and naming former Akamai and VMware VP Julia Austin chief technology officer in June.

Source: TheWHIR