Cloud Native Apps, CSBs, and Bimodal IT at HostingCon Global 2016

As in past years, HostingCon Global 2016’s core educational sessions are divided into four tracks: technology; management; sales and marketing; and issues and trends. Sessions in the technology track cover some of the new developments that will draw crowds in exhibit hall floors, data centers, and board rooms over the next year.

The experts presenting in the technology track for the 2016 conference include a talk Wednesday morning, July 27, by Brent Brightwell, senior VP of products and strategy for Doublehorn, on the advantages of using a cloud services brokerage (CSB) and cloud management platform (CMP), and what kind of organizations those advantages apply to.

Technology track sessions on Tuesday, July 26 include Datera’s Chief Cloud Technologist Funs Kessen on the advantages of leveraging OpenStack to support Bimodal IT for organizations with diverse workloads and legacy enterprise IT. Daniel Valik, senior product marketing manager for VMware will explore the optimization and automation opportunities that enterprises can gain by using Cloud Native Apps, and how to use them to build custom services.

Other topics include metrics, e-commerce, and of course lots of security. HostingCon attendees can also learn from and share with the other industry players in the sessions they choose. In the Monday afternoon technology speed roundtables, and in all other sessions in the technology track, valuable insights will be shared about the latest hardware and software affecting the hosting and cloud computing.

Exhibit hall continues to fill, as do the two official hotels of HostingCon Global New Orleans. Early bird rates are available for a few more weeks, so register now to get your $100 off.

Source: TheWHIR