Businesses harbor big data desires, but lack know-how

Big data has never been bigger, nor more of a crapshoot. At least, that’s the sense one gets from a new survey revealing that 76 percent of all enterprises are looking to maintain or increase their investments in big data over the next few years. This despite a mere 23.5 percent owning up to a clear big data strategy.

That wouldn’t be so bad if things were getting better, but they’re not. Three years ago 64 percent of enterprises told Gartner that they were hopped up on the big data opportunity. But then, as now, the vast majority of big data acolytes didn’t have a clue as to how to get value from their data.

Despite our best attempts to capture signal from all the big data noise, in other words, we’re mostly flying blind.

Bigger and bigger!

The consultancy DNV GL Business Assurance, in partnership with research institute GFK Eurisko, polled 1,189 enterprises across the globe to better understand their big data plans. A majority of these companies — 52 percent — see big data as a big opportunity. That number climbs to 70 percent among large companies (over 1,000 employees) and tops 96 percent of those the report authors categorize as Leaders.