How to Install and Screen on your Dedicated/Cloud Linux Server

The screen utility allows you to have multiple logins on just one terminal. Screen is useful for users who telnet into a machine or are connected via a dumb terminal, but want to use more than just one login.

Install the screen package if you need a screen manager that can support multiple logins on one terminal.

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Useful Linux commands for disk management

The disk is a very important hardware resource in Linux system, how to manage them effectively is directly related to performance of the whole system. If you have some experiences on the Linux disk management and should know that “df”, “du” and “fdisk” these three commands: df is used to check the file system disk usage,

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To Install And Configure Tripwire To Protect file system in linux

Tripwire is one of the most useful tools in UNIX security specification, the tripwire can deteck up to 10 kinds of UNIX file system attributes and more than 20 kinds of attributes (including registry). Tripwire firstly use a specific signature function to create a signature database for which system files or directory need to be

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How to install and configure samba

In UNIX systems, the Samba is shared file and print services package between computers in your network through server message block protocol (SMB). SMB (Server Message Block) protocol is a client-server protocol, and on the application, is a standardized protocol shared Windows file and print services. You can share files or printers between two computers.

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