Spark tutorial: Get started with Apache Spark

Spark tutorial: Get started with Apache Spark

Apache Spark has become the de facto standard for processing data at scale, whether for querying large datasets, training machine learning models to predict future trends, or processing streaming data. In this article, we’ll show you how to use Apache Spark to analyze data in both Python and Spark SQL. And we’ll extend our code to support Structured Streaming, the new current state of the art for handling streaming data within the platform. We’ll be using Apache Spark 2.2.0 here, but the code in this tutorial should also work on Spark 2.1.0 and above.

How to run Apache Spark

Before we begin, we’ll need an Apache Spark installation. You can run Spark in a number of ways. If you’re already running a Hortonworks, Cloudera, or MapR cluster, then you might have Spark installed already, or you can install it easily through Ambari, Cloudera Navigator, or the MapR custom packages.

If you don’t have such a cluster at your fingertips, then Amazon EMR or Google Cloud Dataproc are both easy ways to get started. These cloud services allow you to spin up a Hadoop cluster with Apache Spark installed and ready to go. You’ll be billed for compute resources with an extra fee for the managed service. Remember to shut the clusters down when you’re not using them!

Of course, you could instead download the latest release from and run it on your own laptop. You will need a Java 8 runtime installed (Java 7 will work, but is deprecated). Although you won’t have the compute power of a cluster, you will be able to run the code snippets in this tutorial.

Source: InfoWorld Big Data